PR Water: Domestic Water Filters | RO Water Purifier in Lucknow, Delhi

“The cheerful mind perseveres, and the strong mind hews its way through a thousand difficulties.” – Swami Vivekananda

At Morus Life Science to carry on the business of  distributing, marketing, sell, make research, Import, Export and to deal in drugs, basic drugs, allopathic, alternate medicine, medicinal Preparations and make known the nature and merits of investigation and finding and research in the set field and to acquire and patent and licenses are other protective devices relating to the result of an discovery, investigations, finding of researches.

Our vision is to build Total Brand Value by innovating to deliver consumer value and customer leadership faster, better and more complete health services through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork, and innovation of Excellent People.

To lead the healthcare industry in India and abroad with the highest standards, to ensure medical equipment and consumer care  products meet the needs of the community today, and build Capabilities healthcare standards to meet the needs of future.

Board of Directors & Members

Shri Gaurav Kumar Singh

Shri Gaurav Kumar Singh

Chairman & Managing Director

Mrs. Sakshi Singh

Mrs. Sakshi Singh


Mr Praveen Kumar Singh

Mr Praveen Kumar Singh

Chairman & Managing Director

Mr Praveen Kumar Singh

Mr Praveen Kumar Singh

5. Non-Executive Director

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